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Composition and Sound Design
for Games and Media


This website is meant to give a little insight in what I'm doing and providing download links to DSP plugins I coded.
At the bottom, find an interactive web demo of one of my older compositions.

Recent Projects

[I] doesn't exist

A text adventure with a new spin and becomes visual and existential.
LUAL Games

Sound Design, Composition, Sound Implementation

Screenshot from I doesn't exist game

Audio Journey

A VR Game without visuals?
A journey in complete darkness.

Sound Design, Composition, Game Development

sketch of a mic

Stockhausen - Luzifers Traum

The opera scene reimagined for modern capabilities with ambisonics, projections and a flying drone.

Sound Design, Visual and Drone Programming and the synchronization of everything

Flyer of the Stockhausen Performance

Talking Houses

A VR-App uncovering the faces of fassades in Zurich.

Sound Design

Adaptive Audio Demo

Try out a little music interaction

Composition and Programming

sketch of a mic